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Daghmous honey (Euphorbia)

Daghmous honey (Euphorbia)

Regular price €34,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €34,90 EUR
Unit price €8,73  per  100g
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Daghmous honey, also known as cactus honey or euphorbia honey, is a rare natural product from Morocco with powerful health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it is traditionally used to strengthen the immune system, treat respiratory conditions and aid digestion. Its unique taste and healing properties make it a true treasure of nature.

✔️ 100% pure Daghmous honey
✔️ Laboratory certification

✔️ Boosts the immune system
✔️ Supports the respiratory system and digestion
✔️ Rare and valuable

Enjoy the power and taste of Daghmous honey – natural and beneficial!

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Daghmous Honey: Use, Effects and Benefits for Your Health

Ingredients & Nutritional Values

Daghmous honey(also known as "cactus honey") comes from the plantEuphorbia echinus, a species of cactus native to North Africa, particularly Morocco. This honey has a strong, pungent flavor and is often valued for its health benefits, particularly related to respiratory problems and strengthening the immune system.


Do not take more than one teaspoon per day at the beginning!


The exact composition of Daghmous honey varies depending on the region and flower sources, but in general it contains:

  1. carbohydrates(mainly fructose and glucose)
  2. Water
  3. Organic acids(e.g. gluconic acid)
  4. amino acids(including proline)
  5. enzymes(e.g. glucose oxidase, catalase)
  6. vitamins
  7. minerals
  8. antioxidants(especially polyphenols and flavonoids)
  9. Plant substances(e.g. pollen, propolis)
  10. Essential oilsand pungent compounds that contribute to the characteristic taste and health-promoting properties

Nutritional values ​​per 100 grams (approximately):

  • Calories:approx. 300-320 kcal
  • Carbohydrates:approx. 80 g
  • of which sugar: approx. 78g
  • Fat:0 g
  • Protein:approx. 0.3 g
  • Dietary fiber:0 g
  • Potassium:about 50 mg
  • Calcium:about 4 mg
  • Magnesium:about 2 mg

Additional Information

Origin: Morocco

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Daghmous-Honig, auch als Kaktushonig oder Euphorbia-Honig bekannt, ist ein seltenes Naturprodukt aus Marokko mit kraftvollen gesundheitlichen Vorteilen. Er ist reich an Antioxidantien und wird traditionell zur Stärkung des Immunsystems, bei Atemwegserkrankungen und zur Förderung der Verdauung verwendet. Sein einzigartiger Geschmack und die heilenden Eigenschaften machen ihn zu einem wahren Schatz der Natur.

Genießen Sie die Kraft und den Geschmack von Daghmous Honig – natürlich und wohltuend!

Passende Beiträge in unserem Blog:

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Daghmous Honig: Anwendung, Wirkung und Vorteile für deine Gesundheit

Was sagt die Wissenschaft zu Daghmous-Honig?

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

Ich habe noch nie so einen Honig probiert :) Schmeckt gut & wirkt auch!!!